Equine Polo Instructional Center

Many ways to Support EPIC
Cash Donations
Supporting EPIC with a cash donation is a powerful and simple way to give support the organizations initiatives.
Cash donations may be made using the PayPal button below to donate directly to the EPIC bank account.
You may also contact Tab Orthwein, EPIC Executive Director at 518-526-5705 if you are interested in mailing a check.
Please be sure to include your address, phone number, and email for proper recording acknowledgement.

In-Kind Donations
EPIC thrives with donations of equipment and in-kind services. If you have items or services that you would like to donate, please contact Tab Orthwein, EPIC Executive Director at epicpolony@gmail.com or 518-526-5705 to discuss the options.
Horse Donations
All EPIC horses are generously donated to the program. If you are considering donating a horse, please complete the forms below and email them to epicpolony@gmail.com. Contact Tab Orthwein, EPIC Executive Director at 518-526-5705 with any questions. Thank you!