Equine Polo Instructional Center

Chukkers & Clinics
Sign up above. Then make payment via the PayPal link below or in-person at the barn with check payable to EPIC or cash.
Discounted packages are available, but must be paid with check or cash please.

Put new polo skills into action by playing instructional chukkers in our Arena Coaching League.
This is a great stepping stone from polo lessons to competitive play.
All Arena Coaching League participants are required to be current USPA members at the Non-Competing ($50) or Registered Member ($200) level.​​
Arena Coaching League Chukkers (aka Margarita Chukkers)
Beginning in June ~ Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM
Arena Coaching League chukkers begin with warm up and strategic advice and finishes with 2 instructional chukkers. Sessions are designed to take place on one horse. Horses are available for lease or you may provide your own horse.
Sign up online by 5 pm the night before.
One slot per player please.
With School Horse
$100 per session
With Your Own Horse
$ 75 with your own horse
Coaching League: Skills, Drills and Tactics Clinics
Beginning in May ~ Thursdays @ 10-11 AM
Join us for these weekly clinics that focus on riding for polo, hitting skills, game rules, strategies and tactics.
This is a great series to build skills for Margarita Chukkers!
Sign up online by 5 pm the night before.
With School Horse
$75 per session
With Your Own Horse
$ 60 with your own horse